Prof.Dr. ÇAĞLAR ÇUHADAROĞLU | Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Uyku Bozuklukları Uzmanı
Sleep apnea in adult myotonic dystrophy patients who have no excessive daytime sleepiness.
Sleep Breath. 2009 May 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19484280 Kiyan E, Okumus G, Cuhadaroglu C, Deymeer F.
The concordance of manuel (visual) scoring and automatic analysis in sleep staging.
Tuberk Toraks. 2009;57(3):306-13 Oztürk O, Mutlu LC, Sağcan G, Deniz Y, Cuhadaroğlu C.
Effects of nasal CPAP treatment on insulin resistance, lipid profile, and plasma leptin in sleep apnea.
Lung. 2009 Mar-Apr;187(2):75-81. Epub 2009 Jan 7. PubMed PMID: 19127383 Cuhadaroğlu C, Utkusavaş A, Oztürk L, Salman S, Ece T.
Is Sexual Dysfunetion in Women with Obstmetive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome Assoeiated with the Severity of the Disease? A Pilot Study.
Onem K, Erol B, Sanli O, Kadioglu P, Yalin AS, Canik U, Cuhadaroglu C. J Sex Med. 2008
Occult cardiac dysfunetion in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome revealed by tissue Doppler imaging
Kasikcioglu HA, Karasulu L, Tartan Z, Kasikcioglu E, Cuhadaroglu C. lnt J Cardiol. 2007 May 3 I; 118(2):203-5. Epub 2006 Sep 25.
The importance of contact tracer in detection of childhood and female TB cases; a retrospective case-control study in Istanbul.
Tuberk Toraks. 2006;54(1):11-6 Kiliçaslan Z, Amasya A, Cuhadaroğlu C.
The importance of contact tracer in deteetion of ehildhood and female TB cases; a retrospeetive cas e-control study in Istanbul
Kiliçaslan Z, Amasya A, Cuhadaroğlu C. Tuberk Toraks. 2006;54(1): 11-16
Endothelial function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome but without hypertension.
Oflaz H, Cuhadaroglu C, Pamukcu B, Meric M, Ece T, Kasikcioglu E, Koylan N. Respiration.2006;73(6):75 1-6. Epub 2006 Jun 22
Cardiopulmonary responses to exereise in moderate-to-severe obstmctive sleep apnea
Oztürk LM, Metin G, Cuhadaroğlu C, Utkusavaş A, Tutluoğlu B. Tuberk Toraks. 2005; 53(1): 10-9
Rare cause of diffuse lung fibrotie/nodular pattern in an asymptomatic child
Erelel M, Cuhadaroglu C. Respiration. 2004 Sep Oct;71 (5):542-5.
Hashimoto thyroiditis and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: is there any relation between them?
Erden S, Cagatay T, Buyukozturk S, Kiyan E, Cuhadaroglu C. Eur J Med Res. 2004 Dee 22;9(12):570-2
Pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behcet's disease: a case report
Kasıkcioglu E, Akhan H, Cuhadaroglu C, Erkan F. Heart Vessels. 2004 May; 19(3): 157-9
The efficacy of laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
Ozdemir M, Keleş N, Yücel E, Cuhadaroğlu C, Değer K. Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg. 2002 May-Jun;9(3): 193-7